Anyways, I think I am ready to begin! I will be reviewing workouts, giving weightloss advice, and sharing delicious healthy recipes. Sometimes I may throw in a nice unhealthy calorie filled goodie :)
I am thinking, for my first review I will begin Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. I have heard mixed reviews and also I have heard it can be a little taxing on your knees. Well I am here to show you if it works or not! I will be looking for the following things as I am reviewing:
- Difficulty. Is this workout for anyone? Or is it too easy?
- Is it too taxing on the knees? ( My knees arn't great so we should find this out soon.)
- Effective? This DVD claims it can help you to lose 20lbs in a month. Thats a bit of a stretch I think, but we will soon find out!
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy some random funny videos on youtube, while I catch up on all of your blogs!
looking forward to the julien michaels dvd.
Hey, I wanna gain some muscle, could you recommend something?
@snooby let me know if you cant find
looks good
have fun with it
Aww I miss your calorie filled goodies blog... but this is nice too! I like the layout. 20 lbs in a month? Thats a pretty big goal, but keep us updated! :D
first tut how to get eight pack xD
Good luck with this great new rework. It's looking good already !
Nice and useful new blog! Good luck!
Nice blog desing. take a look at the insert code in youtube so bigger videos wont screw with your blog layout
nice videos
Hm... I feel dvds and programs are unnecessary since I generally do my own research for an effective workout.
cool music all the reverse shots
haha very funny vidoes
Nice, looks great
the new design is really good, so no worries
Good luck on your endeavor; be sure to post your nutritional intake as well.
funny video...
funny funny
The thing with most of those videos is that they are only helpful if you diet well. Most of them are more or less the same otherwise (unless you go for the extreme workout ones like P90 and the insanity workout).
I like your new design!
So you went with a combination of the 3 and making an entire healthy blog, nice! ;D. I like the design btw, it fits the theme/subject you set your blog to. Im also brainstorming what I should transform my blog into. Anyways, nice blog mate ahaha
the first video.
what the hell did i just watch?
Hey cupcake, nice videos :) Always love seeing your comments on my blogs :D
love the new design
I love the pencil bit very nice! KEEP UP THE GREATTTTTT WORK!
I do like the new design, especially the title - it is simple and small yet grabs attention.
Nice videos, anyway WTF on first one.
great vids
nice post
How's day 1 going? :P
lol can't wait. videos were lame though lol.
I try to do like running or bike for 30 minutes, then like freeweights or something else
Good luck on the transition to a workout blog! I can't wait.
Also I'd go by waist size, once you start working out you might find yourself consuming much more water and just retaining water weight.
i want cup cakes
Wow those are awesome videos! I can see your genius. I mean genius. Oh I got it right the first time.
Good to have you back, cupcake! Good vid picks, too.
i love the design.
Haha loled XD
sweet vids!
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