Yay everyone! Hello again! I am finally back on! Life has been crazy! Vacations, new job, all kinds of good stuff. But the important thing is, I am back and ready to go with the popular vote of starting some P90X! YEAH!
So let's go people! Be prepared for some awesome in depth reviews as I review it day by day and report my progress and my likes and dislikes of the program. And I can't wait to go out and check out everyones blogs and what everyone has been up to!
Sad to say I wasn't in good enough shape for p90x to really be for me, working up too it though. good luck
Hear about this...but never tried it. Actually, I just got that shake weight. lmao But, I can't even do it for 6 minutes straight yet. Hopefully soon. Followed.
Good luck with P90X! I've been thinking of using it too. Not that I'm overweight... I just want to get more defined haha.
Heh. My brother is just about to get into this. He seems pretty excited about it. I look forward to hearing your reviews on it.
P90X is soooo intense, but you definitely won't regret it :)
I wonder if it's worth it.
welcome back, looking forward to those reviews
Waiting for the next review dude :)
Hi there, nice to see you back. Thank you for supporting me!
Looking forward to the reviews. Glad you're back in action.
I'll have to check it out. Now Following
though i prefer crossfit myself, i've a cousin who swears by P90X.
best luck!
wat is this...a computer program that makes u lose weight... why not just play WoW and just drink water?
what is this?
1st off welcome back! Don't run away again! Second I'll be waiting to see if your review makes it worth it :P
I bought p90x before doing p90....fucked me up
Can't wait to hear about this. I just picked up EA Active for the Wii and that's been pretty intense.
Hahaha... omg omg om g... P90X is insane. You are going to die! I can never make it past the 1st week... but... I still love it.
The Book of Choad
Good job with the new job ^^
Welcome back!
woooooo good luck with px90! keep at it its worth it!
The ab ripper it good!
I will be starting p90x in January...I'm pumped.
Finally back!!
I want to buy that program :B
Good luck with this. Perhaps now that I have someone else partaking in this exercise program I can mush myself to do it more often that 3 days a week. As they say in the videos it is EXTREME. :>
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